By Sara Gruen
This is my first review after my way too long of a hiatus and I had every intention of reviewing the books I read/listened to in order but after finishing Water for Elephants I just couldn’t wait. Let me say this very clearly…I LOVED THIS AUDIOBOOK! I also just finished it so all the gloriousness is still fresh on my mind.
Allow me to summarize, Jacob Jankowski joins the circus shortly after finishing veterinary school (sort of), the circus is crazy (not in a freak kind of way but in a “some of these people are literally crazy sort of way”), there is a girl, an elephant, a toothless lion and a ton of illegal alcohol…come on how could this not turn out to be a glorious disaster!
The story bounces back and forth from Jacob’s 22 year old perspective and his memories at 90…or 93. He was the crazy, hilarious old man that I want as my grandfather but also the determined young man that you rooted for throughout the entire book. Gruen created a character that you couldn’t help but adore. Then there was Walter, who turned out to be my favorite character…along with Rosie the elephant. There is so much to love that you should just experience it for yourself.
If you are interested (and you should be) I HIGHLY recommend the audiobook. The readers were incredible, I have a new appreciation for audiobooks and that is saying a lot since I loved them before this. This is a heartbreaking story filled with love and uncertainty and I was completely unsure of the ending about 10 minutes before it ended but then it turned out to be perfect.
**Source: I bought this audiobook with my own sweet loot!