Hey there! It's been a while. I was last here on my wedding anniversary...almost two months ago, practically the whole summer. I know that summer is almost over because I know that school is about to start and I know that school is about to start because I will be working for a high school come August 18.
Cupcake and pom poms that I made. |
Yes, these past two months have been hectic and stressful and full of many changes (like me going to interviews, getting a new job and telling my boys that I will be leaving). There has been so much I have wanted to share here and just haven't had the time or mental capacity or, at times, both. But most of it is good stuff and it is finally starting to settle down. I have books to review and stories to share and recipes to show you (of food that I was too busy eat in its entirety). I also have a few craft projects to show you.
Swimming spot in Monte Rio |
Just to get the ball rolling, I'll tell you about my last few days. To celebrate my best friend's upcoming 30th birthday, we went to a cabin on the river. I got a little bit toasty on the beach and spent some time with people I love. I also joined Instagram. @msjessicamae

After a nice mini vacation, I was driving home with my windows down and felt a sharp pain on my lower cheek/jaw. A bee had come shooting into my face with such force then when it stung me it didn't fly away, it was still attached to my face. I had to pull the bee off before pulling the stinger out. It was insane! My face is still sore but I am now wishing I had taken a moment when I stopped freaking out and took a picture of it...oh well.
Guerneville Bridge |