Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at The Printed Page.
This month's Mailbox Monday blog tour is hosted by Savvy Verse & Wit.
Check out the blog and post all the new books you acquired last week.
Life got in the way and I missed a couple MMs. I am going to school one day a week and my class falling on a Monday is really putting a damper my Monday posting. Luckily, today is a bank holiday (Happy Columbus Day!!) so I have the whole day off before I have to get to my night class. Here is what I have snagged in the last two weeks.
Shadows Walking by Douglas R. Skopp (for review on blog tour)
From author's website:
Johann Brenner, an idealistic physician and ardent German nationalist, has joined the Nazi Party and willingly participated in its "crimes against humanity." His Jewish childhood friend, Philipp Stein, has also become a doctor. Their lives inevitably intersect until their last, fateful meeting.
After the war, Brenner, with stolen papers and a new name, has become a janitor in the courthouse where the Nuremberg Trials are being held. Hoping to "heal himself" and wishing to begin a new life with his estranged wife, he decides that he must write her a letter telling what he has done and why.
Brenner's letter sets the theme for each chapter of Shadows Walking. Through his letter, we see him admit his choices and their consequences as he slips deeper and deeper into the brutality of the Third Reich.
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Oh, nice new books! I've wanted to read Love in the Time of Cholera for a while. Enjoy!
I have not read any books by Alice Hoffman yet but have heard she is a fantastic author. The Ice Queen sounds like a good place for me to start.
Nice selection! Have a great week
Checkout my mailbox
Looks like you received some great books. I've not read anything by Alice Hoffman, but I know quite a few readers who enjoy her stuff.
I've liked the two Hoffman books I've read but I haven't read The Ice Queen. Hope you enjoy it.
I've heard great things on all 3 books you got from the Book Festival, but all three are still on my to-read list. Enjoy your new books!
Nice choices here! enjoy them all.
heard great things about beloved. Enjoy your books.
I love book festivals. But I always end up buying more books and I already have too many!
I have Love in the Time of Cholera somewhere on my shelf and hope to read it someday. I haven't read that Hoffman book yet, but then she does have a lot of books.
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