The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition Elf on the Shelf Gift Set
A few weeks ago I came across The Elf on the Shelf in Barnes and Noble and immediately picked it up. When I was little we had a shelf elf but for some reason it never ended up on a shelf, it was always stuffed in the tree to look out on us. I decided I would do the elf right now that I had my very own.
I took my elf home and read the story to my husband and we quickly realized that we had to buy one for our nephew that lives in TX.
For those who don't know that story here is the description from Barnes and Noble:
The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition™ is an activity the entire family will enjoy. Based on the tradition Carol Aebersold began with her family in the 1970s, this cleverly rhymed children's book explains that Santa knows who is naughty and/or nice because he sends a scout elf to every home. During the holiday season, the elf watches children by day and reports to Santa each night. When children awake, the elf has returned from the North Pole and can be found hiding in a different location. This activity allows The Elf on the Shelf to become a delightful hide-and-seek game.
When my brother-in-law received the package in the mail he opened it and hid the elf from my nephew and then read him the story telling him that the elf was going to be arriving shortly. When he got the chance he put the elf on the front porch, ran the doorbell, and then hid around the side. My sister-in-law had my nephew answer the door and he was apparently very excited the elf had arrived but he was looking around like where did this elf come from, I have to make sure I'm extra good now.
I was cracking up when I heard the story. I don't have kids yet but even my husband and I have fun hiding the elf from each other.
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