Okay folks, I have been waiting and waiting for the release of Mockingjay and when it arrived where was I? At a concert in San Francisco not even thinking about books. The worst part is I had all these grand plans to read the first 2 again and I haven't even started yet because I am so wrapped up in the other books I am reading! But I will read them and then quickly start and finish Mockingjay.
I think I am feeling sad because when Catching Fire was released the timing worked out perfectly and I had 2 days off where I only stopped reading to sleep and now I have work and all kinds of other things that are going to pull me away from my book! Argh the life of a grown-up, when did I sign-up for this? So to all of you who are currently enjoying the story (or who are WAY ahead of me and have already finished it) I envy you and I hope you are enjoying it. I am scared to read any blogs out of fear of a spoiler so I guess I better get reading...
If it makes you feel any better, all the blog posts about Mockingjay I've seen have been meticulous about spoiler warnings. People are nice. :)
yay - I was in SF with you, not thinking about school!!!
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