by Suzanne Collins
So pretty much all I can think to say right now is "Umm holy crap!" I am still processing the how everything went down but that was NOT the book I was expecting! I was most surprised by the general tone of the book because although the first 2 were obviously not all chipper (what with all the killing) Mockingjay had such a dreary blah sort tone that had me feeling hopeless...for the book.
Now don't get me wrong, I closed the book feeling like overall I enjoyed it but it just wasn't up to the Hunger Games standards that I was hoping for. I read it all today, planning my rereads of the first 2 around my day-off and I don't want to say that I wasted my day but I definitely could have put it down and gone to work and to sleep which was NOT the case with Hunger Games and Catching Fire.
I didn't have many expectations of the book except that it would be amazing but I found that when I read through I did end up disappointed with certain twists and turns in the story. I will say that the page before chapter 25 (if you read it you know what I am talking about) had be crying until the book ended but surprisingly the last pages of the book didn't make me teary and it just felt...again blah. I didn't feel like it fit with the rest of the story. Like I said, I did enjoy it but I was glad to jump onto some of my favorite blogs and see that I wasn't the only one left with feelings of disappointment. If you haven't read it don't let this stop you but just prepare yourself and don't go into the final book of the Hunger Games with unrealistic expectations. I still have hope that maybe some time will allow me to enjoy it if I dive to read it again.
**Source: I bought this book with my own sweet loot.
I'm wondering whether I'll have the emotional reaction to the book that a lot of people have had. I know what happens at the end, which of course lessens the impact, but on the other hand, I'm very susceptible to the kind of sad thing that happens at the end of Mockingjay (she said vaguely, trying not to spoil things for the other commenters).
it's so funny to read all the other posts about this book. it was so highly anticipated around the blogs and many seem disappointed or 'meh' about book 3. all i can say is that it totally went against everything i was expecting and some of the plot seemed so senseless and incongruous.
i still love the series, book book 3 just isn't my fave. :)
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