Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It could be worse...

What I hate:
I gave myself extra time this morning to get coffee before work and apparently the woman wrote down my order wrong but I didn't have time to get it fixed.  As I was walking into work, grumbling to myself about my stupid drink, I put the entirely full cup on top of my lunch to open the door and spilled it all down the front of myself!  Argh!


I also saw this little bit of awesomeness on Shelf Awareness which made me smile.

What Happens in Bookstores at Night


Douglas R. Skopp said...

Thank you so much, Jess, for posting this wonderful, imaginative (and no doubt, highly labor intensive) little video. I love it! With every good wish,


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Sorry about your coffee mishap; what a terrible way to start the day.

I loved this whimsical video; awesome - thanks for sharing (great background music as well).