Thursday, May 16, 2013

Scarlet - Marissa Meyer

Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, Book 2)
By Marissa Meyer

In the second book of The Lunar Chronicles, Cinder is back and she has some new friends…and enemies…and a side-kick who doesn’t really fall under either.

Scarlet is a girl whose grandmother has gone missing but luckily the new guy in town might be able to help her.  Oh yeah, and his name is Wolf.  Can’t imagine where this is going, right?  Luckily the story is full of twists and turns and drama and heartbreak with a little twist of romance. 

The story alternates between Scarlet and Cinder with a few glimpses of Emperor Kai just to keep us up to date in what’s going on with him.  Poor Kai, he lost his love and now he’s all confused.  This was a fun book and I can’t wait for the rest of the story to be released.  

**Source: Library copy

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