Saturday, March 26, 2011

It could have been sad but it ended up being amazing!

I'm not typically a mushy, sappy person.  Emotional...yes!  But not mushy (except when it comes to books).  However, I went to the funeral of a family friend today and had to share something.  This woman was not only the first female mayor of the city I grew up in long before I met her but she was a hilarious and amazing person.  Her biggest request at of her funeral service was that there be laughter and let me tell you there was!  I pulled up the obit this morning when I was trying to get the exact address of the church for the service and came across an article in our local newspaper about her.  There was a quote from her that I absolutely love...

“Being different is very important, I am a product of my own imagination.”

That is all...just something to think go kiss someone you love!

1 comment:

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

She sounds like an amazing woman. I've also felt a "sense of humor" was a necessary attribute for work, bad times and meeting new people.